Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How To Achieve The Dream Retirement With An Internet Business

By Audrey Ledgerwood

Although many think that retirement should be spent traveling, gardening, playing golf...or just sitting in a rocking chair, most retirees want more than that. AARP research indicates the many people over the age of 50...even 60 and 70 year olds are starting their own businesses in the search of a more productive and rewarding life and livelihood during retirement.

Now is the time to start dreaming and start your new business as a part-time venture. If you start while you are still working you can retire when you bring in enough income.

When considering what this business should be there are many things to think about. I strongly believe that an online business is by far the best for those of us who are retiring. The advantages are many over any franchise, brick and mortar store front or even a business that you operate out of your home workshop or office. In any of these cases the costs are much more...especially for a franchise or storefront. You have to worry about all of the upkeep and probably hire employees. An online business can be done from any place in the world, all you need is a computer, an internet connection, and a phone. And the start up costs for an Internet business are considerably less than any franchise or brick and mortar business.

That being said, there are many things to consider in your search for an online business.

The first thing is to find a business that is working, so you don't have to start from scratch. You can find out what is working for others. If is a legitmate business you can get in at any time and it will allow you to make money from home online.

Next, look for a real business, with a real product. There are many money games, scams and programs that just don't work out there that come and go very quickly. A quality business will have a great product that is well worth the cost, even if you don't use the business to make money online. Do your Due Diligence... learn all you can about the business before you get started. Be sure the product is something that appeals to you...something you can use and be proud of selling. For example, we love to travel, so my choice was a business that offers great bargain travel opportunities. With my business, we save money was well as make money!

Be sure your business can produce good money...it's not much good to go to all that work for just a little money.

Then you need to find a Mentor and Team to guide and teach you Internet Marketing and how to work the business so you will make money online. They can help you avoid making mistakes and they will help you get started. Plus you'll need good ongoing training as well

Work with a team that will help you leverage your time and money, where you are all working toward the goal of making money online.


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