Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Just Moved, Where Do I start?

By Jeanine Naviaux

So, where do you start? What do you want the theme to be? Maybe beach theme bedrooms, nautical theme design, country themed? When you look at magazines what designs do you see that catch you eye? Do you look through Elle Decor, Home Magazine, Better Homes and Gardens or Metropolitan Home. These are some different styles.

After you've decided on the theme the next thing is to start with the furniture. That is the biggest and hardest to move and place. Move it to where you think but then get a second opinion from an San Diego interior designer or San Diego interior decorator like me and re-work the room and the colors you want. Think about the feel of the room. What colors do you like and especially do not like. That's important - what is important? Photos? Art, etc. People collect for a reason. Let's show off your collection! That is why you bought it in the first place! Also, have fun, this is your home, not your business. This is the place to relax and enjoy!

I am a big believer that even though a move is very stressful; by using the services of a interior designer or interior decorator, this can be a smooth transaction. Also, a good one has a suggested list of people I have worked with over many years that can help you do the things you need. From a housekeeper, to a handyman, to an electrican. You name it, I probably have them on my speed dial list.

Also, really think about the color you and if you have a husband, what he likes. Maybe he likes cool tones- blues, greens, etc and you like warm tones. There are ways to blend them together to create a seamless fit. That is why using an interior design firm is a good way to bounce ideas to make both of your dreams come true.

Now that you learned some new tips, have fun working in your new home. Remember that using the help of an interior designer will make moving less stressful to you and your loved ones.

About the Author:

Work From Home Moms Taking Charge

By Elizabeth Clark

It's time for stay-at-home moms to think outside the bun. You see, middle income mothers at least have something to start with. But low income moms have a disadvantage far greater.

We must understand that it's not always the mom's fault for needing government assistance. And struggling from day to day to overcome her depressing situation.

Dysfunctional and abusive family situations have attributed to unwanted pregnancies in low income families.

Out of more than 2 pregnancies, 1 is unplanned or unwanted. These problems are more severe in higher dysfunctional families.

So what is mom to do? All of a sudden mom is under tremendous pressure to provide for her child. With lack of education or skill. All of a sudden mom's help and handouts have run dry.

Mom is forced to work many hours for very little pay. With child care costs, unpaid bills, and the need for quality transportation. Mom's stress level affects her innocent child.

Mom becomes emotionally drained and depressed and unable to give her child quality attention. This can affect her child's behavior. A child needs confidence to excel in school.

When a child craves his/her mother's attention and can't receive this attention, it can cause negative effects on behavior.

Mom wants to focus her energy and time on her child. But is usually wore out by night time do too long work hours.

The sad part is, mothers who work a regular job heard about 15 to 20% LESS than single women. The stressful life of a working mom contributes to poor eating habits.

And for the middle income mother taxes take a even bigger chunk of moms income. Even worse, the mom whose income is above the "earned income tax" level receives no assistance.

This forces the middle income mom to work even harder increasing her stress level. Working harder with no assistance is harmful to mom's health. So how can mom enjoy her work?

Well let's add up mom's typical day. Mom has sore feet from standing all day. Stressed to her limit because her boss is never satisfied. Forced to endure gossip from her coworkers all day long. Then has to deal with rush hour traffic after work.

Mom picks up a energetic child wanting her undivided attention. Yet mom is exhausted trying to hide her true pain. Her cell phone ringing, with extra demands from family and friends.

The human body and mind cannot endure this kind of pressure on a continual basis. So what is the answer? Working from home with affiliate marketing. There are no startup cost.

Your public library supplies all the tools necessary to run your affiliate home business. There are online e-books just waiting to walk you through the entire affiliate marketing process. And most important are the tax savings.

Do a google or yahoo search for affiliate marketing. Make a sacrifice and do some research on the products you'd like to sale.

Ask questions, do a little reading about the thousands of affiliate products you could sale. Work with someone you feel comfortable with. You could use your lunch break to do this research.

The sacrifice of time and effort will truly outweigh the stress of working for your boss. Do it for your child, do it for yourself. Take action like Nike, just do it.

The freedom and peace of mind experienced by working from home, can never be truly explained. If you were to smell oven baked brownies, could you explain the taste? You will never know the joy of working from home until you taste it.

About the Author:

Stay-At-Home Moms In Charge Of Their Future

By Elizabeth Clark

stay-at-home moms must learn to think outside the box. Low income mothers have a greater disadvantage. You see, middle income moms, at least, have something to start with.

Is usually not the mothers fault if she has to apply for government assistance. It's very depressing for mom to struggle from day to day to improving her circumstances.

Many low income moms have come from dysfunctional and abusive family situations. These circumstances have led to unplanned pregnancies.

We must understand that out of every 3rd pregnancy 1 is unwanted or unplanned. And the more dysfunctional the family the greater the problems are.

All of a sudden this mother to be is under severe pressure to provide for her new child. So what is mom to do? Having very little education and limited resources. Mom has little or no help.

With unpaid bills, and rising childcare costs, mom is forced to work many hours for very little pay. And to add to this, mom now needs reliable transportation. This is added stress that also affects how mom raises her child.

Depressed and emotionally drained most mothers can't give quality attention to their children. This can greatly affect the behavior of her child. Lack of confidence and the desire to excel in school can be the result.

Not receiving the attention from mom that her child craves; can cause negative behavior and a bad attitude towards other children.

Mom wants to focus her energy and time on her child. But is usually wore out by night time do too long work hours.

The sad part is, mothers who work a regular job heard about 15 to 20% LESS than single women. The stressful life of a working mom contributes to poor eating habits.

And for the middle income mother taxes take a even bigger chunk of moms income. Even worse, the mom whose income is above the "earned income tax" level receives no assistance.

The middle income mom has to work even harder with no assistance or support. This is very stressful for mom and her health. Does mom receive any enjoyment?

Well let's add up mom's typical day. Mom has sore feet from standing all day. Stressed to her limit because her boss is never satisfied. Forced to endure gossip from her coworkers all day long. Then has to deal with rush hour traffic after work.

Mom being exhausted when she gets to daycare to pick up her energetic child; wanting her undivided attention. Yet mom exhausted, trying to hide her stressful workday receives phone calls from family and friends needing assistance.

The human body and mind cannot endure this kind of pressure on a continual basis. So what is the answer? Working from home with affiliate marketing. There are no startup cost.

Your public library supplies all the tools necessary to run your affiliate home business. There are online e-books just waiting to walk you through the entire affiliate marketing process. And most important are the tax savings.

For more information, do a Google or Yahoo online search for affiliate marketing. There are thousands of affiliate products you can sale. Make a sacrifice and do the research.

Locate someone online who is willing to work with you. Someone you will feel comfortable with. Your lunch break would be a opportune time to do this.

The sacrifice of time and effort will truly outweigh the stress of working for your boss. Do it for your child, do it for yourself. Take action like Nike, just do it.

The freedom and peace of mind that working from home provides, can only be understood by experiencing the benefits. Smelling a chocolate brownie is not like tasting it.

About the Author:

Stay-At-Home Moms In Charge Of Their Future

By Elizabeth Clark

Thinking outside the box is what stay-at-home moms must start doing. And mothers who have a greater disadvantage are the low income moms. At least, mothers in the middle income bracket start with something.

Is usually not the mothers fault if she has to apply for government assistance. It's very depressing for mom to struggle from day to day to improving her circumstances.

Many low income moms have come from dysfunctional and abusive family situations. These circumstances have led to unplanned pregnancies.

Out of more than 2 pregnancies, 1 is unplanned or unwanted. These problems are more severe in higher dysfunctional families.

So what is mom to do? All of a sudden mom is under tremendous pressure to provide for her child. With lack of education or skill. All of a sudden mom's help and handouts have run dry.

With unpaid bills, and rising childcare costs, mom is forced to work many hours for very little pay. And to add to this, mom now needs reliable transportation. This is added stress that also affects how mom raises her child.

Mom becomes emotionally drained and depressed and unable to give her child quality attention. This can affect her child's behavior. A child needs confidence to excel in school.

When a child craves his/her mother's attention and can't receive this attention, it can cause negative effects on behavior.

And when mom tries, with all her might, to focus her remaining energy on her child, she is wore out by nightfall.

The sad part is, mothers who work a regular job heard about 15 to 20% LESS than single women. The stressful life of a working mom contributes to poor eating habits.

And for the middle income mother taxes take a even bigger chunk of moms income. Even worse, the mom whose income is above the "earned income tax" level receives no assistance.

This forces the middle income mom to work even harder increasing her stress level. Working harder with no assistance is harmful to mom's health. So how can mom enjoy her work?

Well let's add up mom's typical day. Mom has sore feet from standing all day. Stressed to her limit because her boss is never satisfied. Forced to endure gossip from her coworkers all day long. Then has to deal with rush hour traffic after work.

Now after picking up her child from daycare who is hyperactive; totally in need of her undivided attention. Mom's cell phone is ringing with additional demands from family and friends. While mom is exhausted, yet trying to hide her pain from her child.

This kind of pressure was never meant to be placed on the human body. So is there a easier way? Yes! A home business involving affiliate marketing. Your start up costs is FREE.

You can run your affiliate home business from the public Library. The tax savings are great. There are Internet books, and companies that will walk you through the entire affiliate marketing process.

Do a google or yahoo search for affiliate marketing. Make a sacrifice and do some research on the products you'd like to sale.

Locate someone online who is willing to work with you. Someone you will feel comfortable with. Your lunch break would be a opportune time to do this.

By sacrificing your time and making the extra effort, you could enhance your lifestyle and instill a business attitude in your child. Just do it, this is what Nike says.

The freedom and peace of mind experienced by working from home, can never be truly explained. If you were to smell oven baked brownies, could you explain the taste? You will never know the joy of working from home until you taste it.

About the Author:

Work From Home Moms Taking Charge

By Elizabeth Clark

stay-at-home moms must learn to think outside the box. Low income mothers have a greater disadvantage. You see, middle income moms, at least, have something to start with.

Is usually not the mothers fault if she has to apply for government assistance. It's very depressing for mom to struggle from day to day to improving her circumstances.

Many low income moms have come from dysfunctional and abusive family situations. These circumstances have led to unplanned pregnancies.

Out of every 2 or more pregnancies, there is 1 unplanned pregnancy. The more severe the dysfunctional family, the greater the chance of a unplanned pregnancy.

All of a sudden this mother to be is under severe pressure to provide for her new child. So what is mom to do? Having very little education and limited resources. Mom has little or no help.

Mothers are working more and more hours to meet the rising child care costs. Struggling to become debt-free, and drive decent transportation. Yet mom's small income is not enough. Her children are effected by her stressful situation.

Mom becomes emotionally drained and depressed and unable to give her child quality attention. This can affect her child's behavior. A child needs confidence to excel in school.

Her children greatly want and need her attention and affection. Because of moms excessive work schedule depriving her children of her quality time and attention. The result is negative behavior from her children.

Mom wants to focus her energy and time on her child. But is usually wore out by night time do too long work hours.

This can cause poor eating habits which lead to poor health for mom and her child. The worst part is that moms who work a regular job earn 15 to 20% less then a woman without a child.

What really hurts is taxes eat up even more of mom's hard earned money. A mother earning income above the earned income level receives no tax credit.

This forces the middle income mom to work even harder increasing her stress level. Working harder with no assistance is harmful to mom's health. So how can mom enjoy her work?

Mom's typical workday, taking abuse from her boss and coworkers. Pain in her body and feet from standing or sitting all day. Now rush hour traffic after work!

Mom being exhausted when she gets to daycare to pick up her energetic child; wanting her undivided attention. Yet mom exhausted, trying to hide her stressful workday receives phone calls from family and friends needing assistance.

This kind of pressure was never meant to be placed on the human body. So is there a easier way? Yes! A home business involving affiliate marketing. Your start up costs is FREE.

You can run your affiliate home business from the public Library. The tax savings are great. There are Internet books, and companies that will walk you through the entire affiliate marketing process.

Do a google or yahoo search for affiliate marketing. Make a sacrifice and do some research on the products you'd like to sale.

Work with someone you feel comfortable with. Someone who understands and has been doing affiliate marketing. Ask questions, do some research on your lunch break.

By sacrificing your time and making the extra effort, you could enhance your lifestyle and instill a business attitude in your child. Just do it, this is what Nike says.

The freedom and peace of mind that working from home provides, can only be understood by experiencing the benefits. Smelling a chocolate brownie is not like tasting it.

About the Author:

Easy Steps To Starting A Small Business On The Internet

By Zach Allred

The steps to starting a small business online can be systematically approached. First determine weather you will be selling your own product or service or someone else's. Since you will be building your business online you can also join a business opportunity such as an mlm and do extremely well.

One rule of thumb in choosing something to do is find something you love and are passionate about. Your service could simply be educating other like minded people about a particular subject. There are more ways to make money online than just providing a product or service.

Next, you will need to register a domain name. is as good as any. Try to choose a dot com as your customers are more familiar with them. Try to have the name of your business in your domain if possible. For example if you want to sell mason jar candles then try to find a domain name or or You may have to enter different domain names until you find one you like that is not taken.

Next you need a website. This can be daunting but I highly recommend it because this becomes your location. You will want a site you can begin linking to and providing content for. You can go to and type in website building or free website creation and you will find several choices. Yahoo has a great service that is very inexpensive and easy to use.

You are well on your way to becoming the next internet millionaire so what is missing? Ah...traffic. You could have the cure for cancer and it would do you little good if you do not have people coming to your website to find out about it. The best way to generate traffic that I am aware of is writing articles. It is free and they will pay dividends for years to come as they move through cyber space. You can also use these same articles to add pages to your website which is very important as your customers like content.

After you write your first article you need to submit it so it gets out on the net. The best service I have found for this is Unique Article Wizard. You can find a link to their site by going to my website. With this service you will be able to submit an unlimited amount of articles each month to up to 9,000 different article directories and websites. A truly incredible service.

The last step I cannot stress enough is to write and submit an article two or three time a week. If you are consistent you will have long term success.

To summarize the steps to starting a small business online you need to first decide what you are going to do. Next register a domain name and then build a website. After that it is just a matter of driving traffic to your website and the best way I have found is by writing articles and submitting them with Unique Article Wizard. Doing this 2 or three times a week consistently will provide a steady stream of traffic to your website for years to come.

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Tips for Taking Surveys to Earn Money

By Jung Foo

Did you know that you can do survey jobs as a means of making a little pocket money? You can and while you might not become wealthy, you can earn something extra to help. The process of surveys is fun and quick and in general, there are lots of possibilities.

In fact, surveys to earn money have become so popular that there are now more companies than ever before. This is a great way to make a little money fast, which is why people love it. While money is the typical pay, some companies will pay in the form of credits or goods.

Most of the top paid surveys online work much the same way. For starters, you would visit the site and complete a quick registration. Once done, you would then be contacted whenever a survey needs to be done, allowing you to provide your opinion and send the information to the company.

Doing surveys for money is something that the average person can do. Without the need for any special training, education, or even geographical location, you simply provide your opinion. In fact, all you need is a desire and a computer.

This means that no type of person is involved with surveys to earn money. Because of this, many people in the home use this as a means of making extra money to include moms, students, elderly, and even those with a disability. Now, there are times when a company will need surveys done that do require special input but not often.

Many of the top paid survey online companies are needing consumer input for a product or service. Let us say there was a company getting ready to launch a new baby product, meaning they need new mothers to participate in the surveys. Again, there are some companies that have a specific audience but more are general.

Market research, which is the survey jobs, gives you the chance as a consumer to get involved with product development. Companies want to do everything possible to make consumers happy, which is why they need consumer input. In fact, survey jobs help these companies gain great insight so they can make important decisions or changes.

Top paid surveys online will sometimes be specific to a new product getting ready to launch. Another example would be a new food product that needs a name. The survey may provide you with a list of potential names, allowing you to choose what appeals most so they can see what would capture the consumer's attention best.

There are multiple reasons for having surveys performed. The bottom line is that it is an essential marketing tool that businesses cannot live without. For you, you have the chance to help but also make money for doing surveys.

The process of conducting surveys to earn money is much easier than you might think. Remember, most of these companies are fair and honest but sometimes, you might run into one that is not. Therefore, always check the sites out carefully before registering to provide survey information.

You will find many great online surveys to do but instead of doing just any, take time to look around. You should actually look at several sites so you make the choice that will give you the most money earning potential. If any survey company asks for money from you, avoid them at all costs.

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Is Online Survey Money Good For Those That Want A Second Income?

By Desiree S

I have heard often that one can expect good online survey money and therefore was looking for free surveys to join and make some side income.

And sure enough, I found many paid online survey website out there that provide paid survey job.

And of course, it depends very much on the survey company that you work with, how reputable they are in the market and how on time they are with payments.

While there are many online survey scams, the paid online surveys still remain as a viable and exciting business opportunity for one to embark on.

I discovered such an opportunity almost by chance. It happen when surfing on the Internet one night, I happened to see an attractively designed banner survey website.

This pretty site brought me to the survey site. Many of my friends have bad experiences with online businesses.

Some had even lost a fair amount of money buying some make money programs which had huge promises but delivered nothing in the end.

So I was a little cautious when I saw the site that promises to pay for survey done. But the content on this paid online survey site was indeed compelling.

And it is free to join the very first survey! After all, if I had got to pay for the privilege of taking the online survey, it would not be very fun at all would there?

Anyway, I read through the terms and conditions of the paid online surveys site carefully and realised that it was a free program that will pay me for completing the survey.

So I created an account with the site and started on my very first paid online survey of my life. This online survey wanted to know more about my personal opinion on the American fast food industry.

I approach it warily as I have heard stories about online sites collecting personal information an reselling them to third party company only to be spammed.

But this particular paid online survey require more than my name and my food preferences. So I happily went on and filled it in for them.

I was done in ten minutes. And to my absolute shock and surprise, I had earned $75 for my 10 minutes efforts! Imagine that!

Ten minutes of work on a paid online survey and almost a good hundred dollars for my time!

Well, I was hooked on since then. I went back to do the more surveys.

Of course I do not always have such success each time I filled out those paid online surveys. Some of these surveys were not targeted at people like me while others specifically require people living in other cities or areas.

And also the surveys are not the same each time.

But overall, I got to enjoy the process of filling up enjoyable paid online surveys, and eventually managed to make over a thousand dollars in my first month of paid survey job alone!

Paid online surveys had become another viable alternate income stream for me and my family.

Naturally I got them hooked onto it as well and soon enough, the entire family was filling out paid online surveys and getting paid regulary.

There surely couldn't be an easier or better way to make money online

About the Author:

How To Make Your Dream Using Global Resorts Network

By James Walston

Global Resorts Network is a great income opportunity source for those with a desire to work at home business. When you take a look at the Global Resorts Network, you'll find that this is one internet business opportunity that you simply shouldn't let fall to the wayside. Take some time to make sure that you are getting the most out of the hours you spend working and when you put it all together, it is easy to see why this home based business is one that you need to investigate.

Take a look at a normal job; for example, there is a limited amount of money that you can expect to make, but with this system, there is unlimited earning potential. There are other things that you want to think about when you are finding an internet business opportunity like a Global Resorts Travel Network.

According to one Global Resorts Network, this opportunity has become one of the fastest-growing businesses in the industry. Global Resorts Network provides worldwide travel services, and paid members receive access to affiliate opportunities. Take some to see what this internet business opportunity can do for you and your life.On top of that, you'll find that this internet business opportunity is on that has the benefit of being no experience necessary.

Having your own home based business is something that many people dream of, because it allows them many things. First of all, you internet business opportunity is going to allow you to be able to have that financial freedom that you have always wanted. When a person works at home, they are able to do the things that they've wanted to do for a long time, and now you can take control of those things as well.

With the correct support systems that you'll have with Global Resorts Network, you can be absolutely sure that you are providing your customers with the best business - and that you are providing yourself with a chance to have financial freedom.There are other things that you want to think about when you are finding an internet business opportunity like a Global Resorts Travel Network.

You'll also find that there is a great deal of good information when it comes to learning your way around. Don't let yourself get into any internet business opportunity that will not train you. At Global Resorts Network, you'll find that your training is something that is a high priority when it comes to this company. You'll see that at this home based business is one that will give you plenty of training from employees that rank among the highest producers. You can be sure that you are getting something worthwhile with this impressive resource at your disposal.

Lastly, you can take comfort in knowing that programs like Global Resorts Travel Network, and other internet business opportunities, allow you to be in control of your finances. You can decide how much you would like to make - and with any home based business, you can work as hard as you would like to work, until you have made the money that you would like to make. This is something that many people take for granted, but indeed it can be one of the best ways that you have to control your own destiny.

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Get The Good Word Out With A Home Based Baby Newspaper Business

By Bill Schwarz

The birth of a baby is always big news to its family. As far as the new parents are concerned the rest of the world stops during the blessed event. This can be even more the case for the baby's grandparents.

Letting as many people know about the birth as possible is of great importance to the family. It's also important for their friends to be on the receiving end of the good news. As with all important events, people like to have some kind of souvenir to commemorate the baby's arrival. And, since from the family's point of view it's really big news, what could be a better souvenir than a newspaper front page which announces the birth?

Of course, most babies are born without a mention on the front page of the local paper. But somebody with a computer and some skills with the right software could easily make a convincing imitation "baby newspaper" for the family to share and distribute.

This could be a great opportunity for somebody interested in starting a home based business. What can make a venture like this particularly attractive to entrepreneurs is the fact that many customers would be anxious to buy DOZENS or even HUNDREDS of these baby newspapers. The first actual newspaper requires a bit of effort to put together, but making all of the additional copies that are required is a quick and easy process.

Other important occasions would also be enriched by the creation of one of these newspapers. Graduations, wedding anniversaries and athletic achievements are just a few events that people would LOVE to have something to remind them of as the years go by.

As far as businesses go, a baby newspaper business can be a very inexpensive and simple one to start. The low overhead makes it possible to start out on a part time basis and to eventually grow into a full time operation - if that's what the businessperson plans to do.

The most difficult part of operating a baby newspaper business is in the marketing. It could take a bit of time to get the word out so that the public will find out about what you're up to. This can be a lot of fun if you're a "people person." It's good to remember that your customers will generally be HAPPY about the news they want to spread, which can make your transactions go much more smoothly. So if you like to deal with happy people who are likely to be in generous moods, producing baby newspapers could be just the business for you.

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It's Crazy To Operate Any Business Without Using An LLC

By Attorney Bob Montgomery

One of the most important reasons for forming an LLC or corporation to run your business is LIABILITY PROTECTION.

I don't need to tell you that a growing lawsuit epidemic is going on in the United States and it only appears to be getting worse. Statistics reveal that 1000's of lawsuits are being filed each week and small business owners are prime targets. It may be a disgruntled former employee . . . a customer . . . a business competitor . . . a total stranger . . . some government agency . . . the list goes on.

One expert said your chances of being sued are higher than your chances of going to the hospital this year? I think that may be a bit of an exaggeration . . . but I do know that more lawsuits are being filed all the time . . . and starting a business only increases your risk.

Don't get me wrong. I love small businesses. They are great . . . they help make dreams come true for many people and they can be your path to financial freedom, independence and success. They are the back bone of our society and one of the main supports of our national economy. My father was a small business owner all of my growing up years. I am absolutely in favor of small businesses.

But, small business owners need to protect themselves. Operating your business through a properly formed and maintained entity like an LLC is the single most important step you can make to protect yourself.

The LLC entity was specifically created by law to provide a layer of protection between the business and its individual owners. With our lawsuit crazed society, the number of LLCs being formed has grown by over 90% in the past few years. The main reason is protection.

The best way to reduce the risks to small business owners is through intelligent business planning. Many new business owners think that lawsuits and personal loss will never happen to them. Please don't make that mistake. Once a lawsuit is filed, it's almost always too late to start thinking about forming an LLC . . . because liability starts when the injury occurs and forming an LLC is not retroactive. You can't go back and say . . . I should have done it.

You have to fully organize your LLC and then operate it properly in order to maintain liability protection. If you don't, then you may lose the very protection you were trying to get by setting up an LLC in the first place.

If you are going to start a business, it's crucial that you take the necessary steps to protect yourself right up front or as soon as possible. If you haven?t done it yet, don't delay or procrastinate.

Wise business planning includes the formation of the proper business entity and the purchase of liability or business risk insurance when available. You cannot eliminate every possible risk when starting a business but you can substantially reduce the likelihood of a devastating lawsuit through proper planning.

About the Author:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

3 things to do before starting an online business

By Derek Gehl

Drive and enthusiasm is mandatory to start your own online business... but you also need to know what you're doing... All the excitement you feel can make you want to jump in headfirst without testing the water.

Don't jump!

Take a breath and look where you're going... you'll get there a lot faster.

Before you pay a web designer thousands of dollars... or create a product nobody wants... or waste any time and money on complicated software you don't need... let's start with the fundamentals.

1. Starting an Internet business means BUILDING it from the ground up and that takes some elbow grease

When you put in the effort, you can earn more money, have more free time, and spend your days doing something you love (and getting paid for it!).

Don't believe anyone that tells you can just put up an "instant" website that will instantly make a fortune. The only profits there are the ones you give to the con artist who sold it to you.

Has anyone given you free money up to this point?

But if you're willing to learn and you know where to look for information, you're already ahead of the crowd.

The truth is, there are more Internet business opportunities out there than any one person could possibly find, and some of them are perfect for YOU! It's up to you to find one.

2. Start your online business by giving the people what they want

Here's the number one secret of Internet business: know what your customers want BEFORE you build your website.

I mean it! That one simple tip will save you more time and money than any other piece of advice. Don't think of the Internet as another place for you to sell widgets - it's so much more than that. (And it's already crowded with widget shops!)

Search engines have made it possible to find anything online... if it's there.

Your job is to find out what people are looking for - and not finding - that you can then sell them. If people are searching for left-handed bowling balls, then give them left-handed bowling balls.

Your goal is to find an underserved niche market and become the go-to guy before someone else does. And when you do that, you've got yourself a genuine Internet business!

3. Do it right the first time -- with expert help

Experience is the best teacher, and that's the way I learned the business. My company, The Internet Marketing Center, is built on the idea of trying something, learning from mistakes, and doing things better each time.

The problem is that you don't have the time to try, try again... and frankly, all that failure is expensive! That's why so much of what I do is trying to get people to learn from my mistakes instead of making your own.

Its absolutely essential to arm yourself with information and knowledge. You can read articles and blogs, join a discussion forum where experts share information, or get your hands on online marketing courses, videos, and guides that teach you what you need to know.

You'll need to know the basics of website building, writing salescopy, and search engine optimization. Without a plan and a little help, that could take a while.

The good news: if you're willing to learn, you can find teaching tools and resources in every shape, size, and learning style. Whether you want everything you need in a book so you can learn at your own pace, or you'd prefer having a mentor looking over your shoulder every step of the way, it's up to you to choose the method that suits you best.

It can be a fun and rewarding experience. And when those rewards are financial, it's more than fun... it's laughing all the way to the bank!

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How To Get Thousands of Visitors Completely Free

By Aaron Bennett

You heard it correctly, my friends, I know of a program that generates non-stop unique content from people all over the world and it is on complete auto-pilot. I never have to worry about getting duplicate content or being hit from the search engines for having duplicate content, it is all fresh, all great content and I don't write one word of it! How is this possible??

I came across this awesome device a while back and it just opened my eyes to the possibilities. I was searching for an automatic blogging device and this tool didn't really advertise itself as that, but it is included and now my blog gets hundreds of fresh, up-to-date articles all day long. The marketing gurus have been using this type of device for years and of course they aren't going to tell you about it, that would hurt the amount of money they make from selling you on false promises and bogus lies!

I will show you exactly what I am doing to generate non-stop unique content to my website without lifting a finger... Technically speaking. I use this program to write articles and get top listings in the search engines for a couple of websites I own, do a search on google for "proper way to swing a golf club" my brand new site is already in the top 4 of page 1 for that search term and I believe it will be #1 soon by simply using the automatic article submitting program.

Let's face it, you need quality, unique content and you need tons of incoming links to your site to even get on the 1st page of google, am I right? This tool allows you to not only write your own unique content and blast it out to hundreds of blogs and article sites, but it also allows you to post non-stop unique content to your own blog! I have used many programs in the past, black-hat, adwords, traffic exchanges and none of them compare to this amazing tool.

Getting backlinks to your website is the number one key ingredient to getting at the top of the search engines, as an example, check out google for the search term "click here" and adobe comes up, not one phrase on that website says "click here" so why is it #1? Simply because it has thousands upon thousands of links pointing back to it that say "click here" that is why. This program will allow you to get ranked high for just about any keyword you desire, and that is no joke, I would have paid well over the small price for this tool because it works.

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How To Get Thousands of Visitors Completely Free

By Aaron Bennett

Dear readers, there is a non-stop content generating machine right under your noses and you do not even realize it. This massive machine is addictive, it is vile and best of all, it works like a charm! It controls probably 1/3 of all the articles you see online and hardly anyone knows about it. It pumps out articles left and right giving you the content you are reading right now!!!

I'll let you in on a little secret I stumbled across not too long ago, it simply blew my mind because I was trying to find automatic blogging tools and this didn't even advertise it as one, but it certainly does exactly that! What I am talking about is a little known secret that the intent marketing gurus have been using for years, it isn't really a secret, but it isn't quite common knowledge either...

I will show you exactly what I am doing to generate non-stop unique content to my website without lifting a finger... Technically speaking. I use this program to write articles and get top listings in the search engines for a couple of websites I own, do a search on google for "proper way to swing a golf club" my brand new site is already in the top 4 of page 1 for that search term and I believe it will be #1 soon by simply using the automatic article submitting program.

Let's face it, you need quality, unique content and you need tons of incoming links to your site to even get on the 1st page of google, am I right? This tool allows you to not only write your own unique content and blast it out to hundreds of blogs and article sites, but it also allows you to post non-stop unique content to your own blog! I have used many programs in the past, black-hat, adwords, traffic exchanges and none of them compare to this amazing tool.

I can't stress how import getting backlinks to your websites are, it doesn't matter how big or little your site is, it doesn't matter what your site is about, if you do not have tons of incoming links, you are bound to never be found! Check out the website for yourself, either click the little corner ad or the link below, if you have ever wasted money online, been scammed from ebooks or other so-called traffic generating programs, I can tell you now, this is the one program I would have paid 10 times the price for, it works, plain and simple.

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Advanced Ways To Jumpstart Your Article Marketing Campaign

By Dave Krost

If you keep on writing and distributing your articles but can't seem to generate enough attention online, I'd say you need to take your articles and your marketing strategies to the next level so you can make them more impacting. You can do this by keeping these amazing new secrets in mind:

To easily attract quality traffic or those people who are most likely to get interested on what you offer, I highly recommend that you write about topics that are highly related to your products and services. For instance, if you are selling information base products on how to make money online, topics about eBay, blogging, affiliate marketing, product creation, and ebook writing, are the best ones to write about. They will allow you to showcase your expertise on your chosen niche and they will allow you to feed your potential clients with information that they need.

If you want online users to talk about your articles, you need to make sure that they contain information that these people will find useful and relevant to their lives. These could be answers to their most frequent questions, step-by-step guides that can empower them, solutions to their problems, or information about their areas of interest.

Be consistent. If you want to strengthen your online presence or make your name highly visible online, you should be very consistent in writing and distributing your articles online.

As much as possible, submit at least 10 articles per day. This number is ideal in promoting yourself as an expert on your chosen niche and building enough links for your website to secure a great page ranking.

Full disclosure. When inserting links on your resource box, be sure to tell your readers where these links will take them and never mislead them. If you are sending them to a squeeze page where they have to give out their email addresses before they can access the information they need, be honest about it.

Be direct to the point. Everybody simply hates writers who keep beating around the bush. If you have information to share, then share it upfront. Don't waste your readers' time as these people generally have short attention span.

Write more. Never get content with the number of your articles as more submissions would mean more traffic for your website. Make sure that you produce at least 10 articles per day so you can easily strengthen your online presence and boost the number of your inbound links.

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Your Travel Business- Scam or Legit?

By David Lengacher

Many people wish that they could have the ideal, and own a piece of their own business while working from the comfort of their own homes. Nowadays there are hundreds of different ways in which you are able to make this dream a reality. Many online companies are now offering a chance for people to buy their programs and their techniques to start selling from their own home and managing their own business in a personal and unique way.

TB is a brilliant opportunity for you to transform yourself into an entrepreneur and business person in your own right. You can personalize the business within the guidelines to suit your own style and needs. This is a large, publicly traded multi-level online travel company and you basically will become a marketing representative and also make money through the action of selling on more tiers of the business. Reselling the opportunity is actually the more profitable side of the business as the selling of travel tickets and accommodation is an extremely competitive area and often difficult to break into.

The seven millions dollar travel industry is so complex and intricate that you will find it difficult to sell to people outside your inner circle of acquaintances without spending lots on advertising. However, there is a large profit to be made by selling on the name and the opportunity to others and then receiving a commission from new signups.

The real profit from Your Travel Business is the commission you will receive from attracting and signing up new recruits. This tier system allows you to use your marketing skills in order to increase financial gains from on-selling the company offer to others who are looking to own their own home business.

There is a lot of suspicion surrounding this type of organization and YTB itself has been under scrutiny many times. They are a legitimate business and with publicly open financial documents, you are able to see all the records for the past years whenever you like.

This is where YTB falls a bit short as, even though the start up cost is quite low, you will have to pay monthly in order to keep your access going to the system and also the profit margin is fairly low. You will need to put in a lot of work in order for there to be any success with this business. There are many other business opportunities that require less effort on your part, though of course still some, and that are less competitive and have higher chances for increased profits. You can find a lot of opportunities through internet searches and related websites.

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PERFECT WEALTH FORMULA - An Insight Review - Christian Home Based Business

By You need to know the facts about PERFECT WEALTH FORMULA before joining. See what an expert has to say.

Perfect Wealth Formula is one of the most interesting home based businesses. The founder and CEO of Perfect Wealth Formula, Jason Pearson, started this company to teach and mentor others about how to effectively use online marketing. The Perfect Wealth Formula will allow members to keep all of their sales and ensures that no one has to pass up on the initial sales as other programs, and once the network of associates is established they will allow top level associates to earn a certain amount from every new referral.

Perfect Wealth Formula has two levels of membership, the Bronze and Silver level, each with their own advantages. Bronze level membership is quite cheap in terms of registration fee, but you will earn less in return than silver membership.

For only $697, you can become an official member of the Perfect Wealth Formula program. You will also get access to the training videos and brand new e-books, giving you the opportunity to become more successful in the business. The compensation system itself is quite good. You will get $400 for every sale you make and $100 when your second level makes the sale.

Silver level membership is much more expensive than bronze level membership in terms of registration fee, but of course it offers more. First you need to pay $1,697 just for the registration fee. Like the Bronze level membership, you will also get access to the training videos and brand new e-books. However, you will gain access to more videos and e-books than Bronze level members, meaning you have a greater opportunity to learn more. It also means that you have a higher chance to succeed in the business. Sliver level membership also offers larger compensations. You will get $1,000 every time you make a sale, and also $200 for every sale that your second level makes. In the Perfect Wealth Formula program, a difference in levels will lead to different earnings as well.

In the Perfect Wealth Formula, you will only get paid for every sale you and your second level makes. They have a two tier pay plan and so that you will never pass a sale up like in the other programs. You need a solid team if you want to succeed.

If you want to make more money though, you can decide to join another kind of home-based business that offers matching bonus overrides. With matching bonus overrides, not only will you get paid from your own and your second level's sale, but you will also get a bonus that is paid aside from matching overrides from your members monthly fees. This type of bonus will be paid monthly.

It is now up to you to decide about your future.You need to choose Perfect Wealth Formula or another Home based business that offers a great chance for a brighter future.

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Proven Strategies to Build Your Article Marketing

By Bob Hamilton

One of the better means of growing the benefits you gain from your article marketing efforts is by multiplying the quantity of submissions. That effort will result in an increase in the quantity of inbound links.

The goal isn't to sacrifice the quality of the articles you produce just because the quantity increases. In fact the goal should be to never compromise the quality of the articles that you produce. We will discuss tactics for growing your article marketing in this article.

Creating 10 articles or more per day can be tiring, grueling and draining if you do it all yourself. Often other important tasks will sit untouched because of the time requirements. Consider hiring a ghostwriter to offload your article writing duties.

There are many freelance sites available where qualified ghostwriters are ready, willing and waiting to help. Be sure to screen them carefully. Look for those with credentials in your specific niche. Develop a very specific list of your requirements including length of article, deadlines for delivery, special research requirements, etc. to help in determining the best qualified and the costs per article.

Article submissions are another time-consuming tasks that will increase with an increase in your article output. While it is a time consuming and monotonous task to handle, article submission is critical to gaining the advantages of article marketing. Consider hiring an article poster to handle the task of manually submitting your articles to directories and article submission sites while you focus your efforts on higher-leverage tasks that can make you even more money.

Create all the needed information for article submission as well. This includes all of the keywords for the article, an article summary, a completed resource box, and all of the categories appropriate for submissions of that article. You'll find the pricing varies for a qualified article poster.

To maximize your article marketing, make sure to submit your articles daily. You will be happy with the results of this effort as you begin to see the impact that it is making on your article marketing business. Those results; more visitors coming to your website, more inbound links coming to your website, and higher search engine ranking for your site.

A strong, authoritative resource can be invaluable as you work hard to succeed at attracting article readers to your website. To further multiply traffic consider providing a giveaway to visitors. Another way is to document the benefits of visiting. Your resource box benefits come together to provide a variety benefits to your article marketing efforts. These include more website visits and more opt-in subscribers.

To your article marketing success!

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There Is A Way To Do Network Marketing Online With Integrity

By Tina Fields

Network Marketing has gotten a bad rap. This image was created because Network Marketers used to (some still do) bug their friends and families to join or buy things they didn't want or need. Well not anymore.

The top Network Marketers online today know that you don't have to bug anyone to join your opportunity if you know how to market and have the right opportunity. As you probably already know internet marketing is the path to success. It is so easy to reach hundreds or thousands of people each day with your opportunity if you know how or are trained how by your Sponsor.

The best part is that you are reaching people who are already searching for an online business opportunity. They want to hear what you have to say. You don't have to be a pushy salesperson. It's giving people the information that they need to make an educated decision.

What are the things that will give you credibility and integrity in this industry?

#1 Join a company that is in line with your purpose in life. You can choose from hundreds of opportunities out there. You will find opportunites in health, internet marketing or personal development and a whole lot more. I suggest that you join one that has a product that really speaks to your soul. Otherwise you will not be committed and you can not make 6 or 7 figures if you don't have the passion to succeed. I made this mistake with the first opportunity that I joined and I failed miserably. Then I found an opportunity that was really true to who I am and found the success that we all dream of having. As a Certified Coach it is important to me to help others and I am a personal development junkie so it's only natural that I would want that as part of my Network Marketing online opportunity.

#2 Look into the company before you join. Speak with one or two Sponsors, attend a webinar or a teleconference and get a feel for the community. Are they too aggressive for you? Or do they have the approach of helping and serving others?

#3 Does the company give back to the community? Do they give to charities? If so who?

#4 Do they offer a 100% money back guarantee? If they really believe in their product and business opportunity they will but you will find that not many do. This is important if you want credibility with your leads.

#5 What is their sales approach? How were you treated by the Sponsor that contacted you? Were they pushy or helpful? That is a sure sign of the company philosophy.

It is truly possible to have a successful business with Network Marketing online. You can truly reach the financial and personal success if you find an opportunity that has integrity and is in line with your values and who you are. Of course you will need a program that gives you tools and training but INTEGRITY is the key to success.

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Multiply Your Article Marketing Efforts

By Raymond Krost

Maximizing the benefits you are getting from article marketing can be relatively easy but it will surely take some serious time and effort. Let me show you how through these 5 amazing ways:

Write for your readers. Never make your articles about you and never insert blatant self-promotion. Instead, load your copies with information that your readers will truly appreciate. These could be information about their hobbies and areas of interest, simple do-it-yourself guides, or answer to their pressing issues.

You will also need to consider the level of comprehension of these people so you can effectively pick the writing style and words that can help you easily get your message across without causing confusion.

Multiply the number of your articles. If you are currently producing 3-5 articles per day, you might not be able to maximize the benefits that article marketing can offer.

Get a reliable automatic article submission software. If you don't want to spend so much time manually posting your articles to hundreds of article submission sites and directories, you can invest on a submission software that can distribute your articles in just minutes. You may also opt to hire an article poster if you want this task to be done manually.

Widely republished your articles. Aside from article submission sites and article directories, you may also opt to post your articles on your website, blog, or relevant forums. You can also load them on your RSS feeds or use them as content when sending your potential clients with newsletters or promotional email. Lastly, you can compile all your articles together to create an ebook. You can use this when convincing people to subscribe to your opt-in list.

Bank on the quality of your articles. You would want your articles to be read, picked up, and widely republished to get more exposure. To convince more people to use your articles in their sites, you must make sure that your copies are highly informative, well-written, concise, direct to the point, content-rich, and useful to your target market.

Be confident. Always communicate your thoughts and ideas with strong conviction. You can't sound skeptical as you would want your readers to believe that you are an expert on your chose niche.

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Understanding the Mystery Shopper Program

By Ethan Hunter

Mystery shopping programs have been available and in use since the 1940's, yet most consumers are unaware of their existence or their purpose. Most companies can benefit from the type of service offered by a mystery shopper program as the results provided can be invaluable to the organization as a whole.

While each mystery shopper program is slightly different, they all operate on the same concept, which includes sending in an anonymous person to take inventory of various aspects of the business. With this information being reported back to the business using the mystery shopper program, customer perception of services and/or products sold can be analyzed, allowing corrections to be made.

You could be the owner of a store that has started to see a drop in sales. There may be a reason for this but you have absolutely no idea what that reason is. By using a mystery shopper program you can see exactly what the problem is and therefore you can work out a solution to gain more business.

The main advantage to using a mystery shopper program is that you get unbiased results. You also get to choose which areas of your business you want evaluating. By taking a look at the results, analyzing them and seeing where the problems lie, often business owners can help to get their business back to full working order and they soon start to see the profits rolling in again.

The number one reason businesses fail is not having real information on overall performance and customer satisfaction. The goal when choosing any mystery shopper program is having a means of understanding the customer's needs. The more you can learn about what your customers do and do not like, the better chance of you have of being successful.

The information that you will be provided in the report will be valuable to your business; it will give you insight into your customer's experiences, something that you would not be able to obtain in another fashion. This information is worth every penny of the investment required to launch a mystery shopper program.

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Tips For Finding Real Work At Home Jobs

By Theo McLanahan

If you have ever considered working from home, you may have hesitated to get involved due to all the work from home scams. But there are real work at home job available and many people have made the leap successfully. When you work from home, it affords you the opportunity to balance your career and your family life because you are often in control of when and how much you work.

Many opportunities exist for those who seek to work from home. Opening a home based business is one way to go, especially if you have a special talent or really enjoy doing something in particular. Crafts, art, and writing are just a few of the areas that lend themselves to working from home. Wouldnt it be great to stay home, do something you love and make money too? Owning your own business is also a wonderful way to take control of your schedule, as you can decide when and how much to work.

Perhaps youre worried that you dont have enough money to put in up front or you arent quite prepared to launch your own business for some other reason. In this case, employment by a large corporation might be the solution to your problem. There really are real work at home job positions out there if you know how to find them. If you hate that endless commute to a position that doesnt allow you time to deal with the demands of your family life, think about locating legitimate work at home employment. You can work in the comfort and convenience of your own home and you may even be able to arrange your own working hours.

Right now the only thing that may be standing between you and the perfect work at home career is knowing where to look. There are many real work at home job opportunities available if you take the time to do some simple research. Online job forums are a great place to start. However, be wary when asked to pay money for lists of work at home careers as these are most often scams.

For almost any job that you do from home, you will most likely need a computer with Internet access and a telephone line. With these basic items, you will be in an excellent position to telecommute. This means that you will do your work at home while keeping in touch with your employer by phone and email.

For most real work at home jobs such as transcription, data entry or writing assignments, solid computer skills are necessary. A dedicated phone line and strong telephone skills are typically required for telemarketing, phone acting, and customer service jobs. Sometimes, this is required to be a land line phone instead of a cellphone.

One great advantage of having a real work at home job is that you can care for your children while still earning some money. An increasing number of people elect the work at home option. It benefits both employers and workers and can be quite lucrative.

Spend some time now researching positions which will let you work at home.

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| Liberty League | Liberty League International Review |

By Tom Culbertson

Liberty League is an online company that offers and invites people to start a home based business with them. When you become a member with Liberty League you then will be able to market and sell their products online to others. Let's take a closer look now at Liberty League, the products they sell, and also their compensation plan.

Liberty League's products deal in line directly with personal development. There products are used in teaching and training people to grow using personal development. Let's take a look now at Liberty League and what there products are all about.

Liberty League's main and first product is known as the Beyond Freedom program. The cost of this product is $1495. When you go and purchase this product you will then have to pass up your first 2 sales to your Liberty League sponsor. Once you do that you then are qualified as a Beyond Freedom adviser and can then go and sell the product on your own and make money.

This compensation plan where you pass up your first sales to your sponsor is also commonly referred to as a Australian 2-up compensation program. This is where I have some issues with Liberty League. When you have to go and pass up your first two sales with a company like Liberty League you then of course are losing money that should go to you. This is especially important when you are just starting out with a company.

Now what's the total amount of money you will have to spend and lose before you begin to make money with Liberty League. The total I've calculated here is $3500. This simply comes from the $1500 you spent when you joined Liberty League and bought there Beyond Freedom Program and is combined with the $2000 you make on your first two sales but had two pass up to your sponsor.

Another main issue with Liberty League and their compensation plan is when you bring someone into the company you are only going to get their first two sales. Then after that you will no longer get paid anything when they continue to bring people into the company.

One last issue to consider here is that once you have passed up your first two sales to your sponsor you then break away from your sponsor and are now in direct competition with your sponsor and everyone else in the company. Despite Liberty League having some good personal development products it's there compensation plan that seems to be flawed.

So to cap things off here if you really like Liberty League's personal development products and don't mind having to pass up your first sales to your sponsor Liberty League might just be for you. Best thing to do here would be to see what else is out there. You might find something better that you'll have more success with. Bottom line is your the only one who can decide whether Liberty League is the right company for you.

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How Do People Make Money On the Internet?

By M Taylor

People are making money online day-after-day. It's all about finding the "right" opportunity that best suits you.

A lot of folks get started in web based businesses hoping to get rich quick without having to do any work. Many of these same folks fail miserably and blame the business. What they don't realize is the business didn't fail, they failed to run business.

There is no such thing as a 'get rich quick without working' internet venture! If there was such a venture, we'd all be in it and we'd all be rich beyond our wildest dreams! The reality is, as with any other business venture, Internet ventures call for work. A big part of the work is getting the word out about your business. With internet ventures majority of your time and effort will go towards advertising.

With hard work, dedication, and advertising, anyone can be successful with a legitimate web based business opportunity.

To get started making money online here are a few ideas that you can put to use immediately with very little out of pocket expenses:

Become a blogger. Blogs are great for personal expression and making money online. Some bloggers sell text or banner ad space on their blogs for revenue. By joining communities like PayPerPost or ReviewMe, bloggers earn money for posting blogs on specific topics. Many blog owners start out earning money by displaying ads on their blog by displaying ads through ad serving programs such as Google Adsense or Kontera.

Distributing domain names and webhosting services is an excellent income source. Godaddy extends a program to resell their services for a fee. The reseller program with Godaddy comes with customizable fully automated website where people can sign up for web services and receive customer support.

An internet based travel agency is your ticket to getting a piece of the travel industry pie. YTB offers a referring travel agent opportunity which comes with a professional website where people can search and book travel. Its an automated system that requires a small investment that practically pays for itself with the right advertising.

Open your own Ebay store. There are hundreds of dropshipping programs that you can join to begin selling products on Ebay.

Become a content producer. Website owners are always looking for writers to produce articles, press releases, ads, blog posts, and content for their sites. You can offer your services through freelance communities such as or start your own company. You can also provide your content through revenue sharing sites like AssociatedContent.

There are numerous ways to make an honest living online.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

SpiderWeb Marketing System Has New SelfBank FREE Income Stream

By Todd schuyler

Hi, I'm Todd Schuyler with some hot off the press exciting news in the world of Mobile Banking! There is a New FREE Income Stream for the free SpiderWeb Marketing System! Yes the Free SpiderWeb Marketing System does it again. They have 22 streams of income but now have added SelfBank Mobile to the list! This one could quite possibly blow all the other streams away.

Did you ever wish you could "Be The Bank"? SelfBank Mobile will reward you actual cash value for usage at hundreds of merchants. This is just one of the many excellent rewards, bonuses, and unreal pay plan for the affiliates. How would you like to earn $100 just for signing up your FREE Account? How would you like to earn another $100 for every person that you can give $100 to? How would you like to Capitalize on a network that is 10X larger than the Internet? Go to and sign up for free.

How would you like to earn cash advance for buying things you are already buying? How would you like to "Be The Bank" and earn transaction fees when everyone you know is buying things that they are already buying anyway? How would you have liked to have been involved in the roll-out and been an Owner of Visa or MasterCard when they were first introduced to the market?

SelfBank Mobile is a revolutionary new company, that is GIVING away $100,000,000 in Cash Advances that can be spent at any SelfBank Mobile Loyalty Merchants around the World.

SelfBank Mobile will soon be releasing a New Technology and Local, National, International Online and Offline Merchant Loyalty Program that will revolutionalize the way you and everyone you know spends their money, and you will be able to "Be The Bank" and earn off of every dollar spent by everyone you know!

You can register for Free at www. This is an official SelfBank Mobile Site with all kinds of information, training tools, and tips to help your business succced.

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Great Article Marketing - Simple Steps To Maximize Your Profits

By Dave Krost

In my opinion, article marketing is the best traffic-generating and product promotional tool ever created in the online arena. Aside from the fact that is cost-effective (you can use it for free) it also never fails to bring me amazing benefits that dramatically help in growing my ebusiness. It is my main source of quality traffic and I use it in pulling up my search engine ranking.

Kick-start your articles with interesting titles. This is the first step to ensure that you will generate the right kind of attention online. If you want online users to open and read your articles, you must use attention-grabbing and striking titles. They must be able to tell your potential readers what the whole articles are all about and why these people should invest their time reading your content.

Choose your topics wisely. When choosing your topics, ask yourself: will this interest my potential clients? Will this help me showcase my expertise on my chosen niche? It is very important that you write about topics that can help you realize your goals otherwise, you will just be wasting your time writing and distributing your articles.

It would help if you can visit forums that are frequented by your potential clients. Their questions, ideas, and pressing issues can be converted to great article topics. You may also do a keyword research to identify the search terms that are usually being used by your target market when they go online.

Consider the publishers. If you want to save some precious time, you need to ensure that your articles will be accepted by the publishers the first time that you submit them. This will eliminate the need in revising these articles and resubmitting them.

Make your first paragraphs compelling by spilling in all the good stuff in this section. When you are able to please your readers in this part, you have won half the battle of convincing them to read your articles until they reach your resource box.

Make your articles scannable. Online users are most unlikely to spend their time reading articles that contain few or no page break at all. Why? The answer for this is simple; these kinds of articles are sore on the eyes and they do not promote further reading. Make your articles easy on the eyes by breaking the text using sub headings and bullet points whenever appropriate.

Make your articles interesting to read. Use conversational tone when writing your content. Strive to sound spontaneous, warm, and friendly. Make your readers feel that they are just having a great conversation with you and not a boring lecture.

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Proven Methods Of Monitoring Search Engine Positions

By Ridwan Ibrahim

Through search engines are the first stop through people on the Internet looking for goods or services, the position your website appears in search influence is an critical factor. If your URL shows up far down the results brochure, the chances of the consumer never finding you enlargement incrementally. Once you achieve a high search engine position, it is essential that you make certain you maintain the high assessing you have worked so hard to achieve.

This means you must come up with a strategy to monitor your search engines positions. This strategy is crucial to the success of any marketing campaign. Think of your search engine positions as your online portfolio. Would you let your stock portfolio be ruled by chance and market fluctuations, or would you keep close tabs on your stocks so you could buy and sell when the time is right? This is the way you must consider your search engines positions.

Be aware that at first, beside you have launched your search engine campaign and done exhaustive the right things to growth your rankings, you will most likely take notice a continual upward climb. What you need to be on the lookout for is the moment that upward climb reaches a plateau. When this happens, your search engine position jaunt moves into stage two, the monitoring and protecting stage.

Supremacy stage two, do not be concerned about the short - term fluctuations in your positions. These are similar to the subtle rising besides falling of stocks in a portfolio. Hardly any - term movement is an whole-length part of the whole process. It ' s the long - term changes that you must watch for and prepare to end on first off.

Analyzing the long - term trends of search engines positions is imperative. The way network which search engines rank websites may change at the drop of hat. If you are unaware of these changes - frequent of which are subtle ultimately can symbolize deadly to your ranking - your position may leapfrogging to the bottom of the list before you can get your situation. To prevent this kind of precipitous drop, you must concoct a system to monitor your positions on a monthly starting point. Devise a chart to keep tabs on your top ranking positions or your top pages, also throw together specific to watch " the market " closely.

Each search engine uses a formula to compute website rankings. When a search engine changes this form in any way, it may stand or lower your grading. Some search engines point a number of unequal formulas, rotating them so that a formula doesn't become overused or outdated. Depending on which formula is being utilitarian, your search engine position may suddenly drop or rise spell rank significantly. And so, you must check your positions frequently command order to catch when a search engine changes formulas and what effect it has on your positions.

You must and deal disguise your competition - a painful factor you must always be vigilant about. Your competitor ' s position may suddenly rise, automatically lowering your position. Or their sensibility may drop, pushing your routine higher. Each month, expect position changes due to the continual changes that are occurring in your competitor ' s position, and be prepared to adjust your marketing strategy to compensate for decreased rankings. Monitoring these fluctuations will also give you vital clue about how to improve your website to increase your position in search effect.

Of course, you must discern what the most popular search engines are in order for your monitoring efforts to be effective. Right now, there are ten popular search engines that direct most of Internet traffic to your sites. The challenge you face is that these top ten may change from month to month.

This means that your must not onliest observer your search engine positions, but you must also keep track of the grading dignity of the search engines you are monitoring. Find out which search engines people use most frequently every month further be sure to live in the present! People are fickle about their favorite search engines, and it takes constant vigilance to follow their dalliances. The search engines they loved when you first launched your campaign may be old news in the next few months. You must modify your list of engines according to the whims of the Internet users.

Another factor to monitor carefully is a keen drop of your positions mastery all search engines. This is not the same as monthly fluctuations - this is a neon red warning sign! Tangible could mean a number of different things.

Indubitable all your search engine positions have plummeted, it may establish that search engines spiders - those sneaky programs that seek out your site and rank their positions - have launch some type of problem reserve your website. If you have recently changed the credo, because instance, the spider may become utterly confused also since drop your positions disastrously. If a spider creeps expansion on your website when it is down for adjustments or changes, you may actually disappear from a search engine index entirely. Or a search engine may drastically silver its rubric, and suddenly all of your website appear up as simple-minded. If that search engine is a current favorite, sincere may create a domino effect, causing all of your approach to bounce in all search engines.

Some search engines rely on the results from different search engines, again it is vital that you know which engines these are and keep track of unabridged the engines they influence. The biggest problem here is that search engines will sometimes change affiliations, and this can create a major pass into in the geography of the Internet. For example, recently Yahoo hell bent to display only influence gleaned from Google. So you must not single recorder your concede positions, but you must keep abreast of seismic shifts mark the landscape of the Internet whereas a whole.

Finally, pay attention to your keywords. Keywords are the foundation bricks of the entire search engine system, and they demand individual scrutiny in your monitoring efforts. If you have found that a number of your positions have plummeted, it may mean that a page of your website has become invisible or inaccessible to search engine spiders. Or the competition for that ingrained keyword or phrase has recently rocketed into external spell. In either case, you must act quickly and efficiently to regain lost ground.

Your search engine marketing visit is an investment. If costs you time and money on a continual basis. Protect this exploit as diligently as you would your financial portfolio. Pressure the equivalent way, track your positions from an objective perspective, and monitor your positions on a regular genesis. Make affirmative your time also effort reap rewards by keeping your eye on the super colossal specify - your long - name marketing peregrination.

About the Author:


By David Lengacher

Brian Grant, an ex-football player, created Roadmap to Riches to give its members the opportunity to do a home based business. Roadmap to Riches offers a home based business opportunity by marketing their products using direct selling technique. The products that Roadmap to Riches sells are already designed to help the individual with personal, wealth, and also social development skills.

When you join Roadmap to Riches, you will be given access to e-books, audio downloads, and also personal development materials that you have to promote in order to develop your own business. These are the products that you need to sell. Some $8 to $9 billion dollars are spent in the personal development industry annually, meaning you should be able sell their products without any problem.

In order to join Roadmap to Riches, first you are required to pay $999. This is treated as a registration fee. You are also required to pay $49.95 per month to cover the monthly membership fee. If you sum it all up, you will get a total of almost $2,000. That is the amount of money you have to spend just in the first year of Roadmap to Riches. There is no advertising cost included.

One of the most important aspects of the company that cannot be overlooked is how you get paid. First and foremost, Roadmap to Riches uses a two-up compensation program. It means that you have to pass up your first two sales to your sponsor, meaning you will get nothing until your third sale. Inevitably, your sponsor will help you until you make your second sale, because they will gain profits from it. Afterwards, they will most likely leave you to find new down lines, and you are left to support yourself. The disadvantage of this type of compensation is that most people will spend more time trying to encourage people to join the business instead of selling the actual products, as it is more profitable (and easier to do).

These kinds of problems will not arise if you join companies that offer matching override commission compensation programs. In this kind of compensation program, you are not required to pass up any of your sales to your sponsor. In other words, you keep everything for yourself. You will also receive money from its override commissions when you manage to make a sale. This override type will also lead you to become a real successful businessman, as in this system you do not only find new people to join, but you also have to make sales yourself. It is a fairer system.

Now the ball is in your court to decide which Home Based Business is right for you whether it be RoadMap To Riches or another one.

About the Author:

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