Saturday, March 7, 2009

Need To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Get Traffic The Sociable Way

By Preston J. Davis

Using social bookmarketing to get traffic to your blog is a newer way to bring in traffic. The way this works is that you go to the social bookmarking sites create an account and then submit you link to your blog. When you submit a link you are able to put tags with it.

The reason that you use tags is so that you will be able to find it later but you are not the only one that can find it. Putting the proper tags is very important because it allows people that are interested in what your blog is about to find it.

People can then grab your feed and use it on their site or pass it to their friends that would be interested in it. This provides you with a ton of high quality one way links back to your blog that can rank you high within the search engines and send you a high amount of organic traffic.

The way to really get social bookmarketing to get traffic to your blog is by submitting other feeds alongside of the feeds for your blog. If the only feeds you ever submit are for your blogs then you'll quickly find yourself banned from the social book marketing sites.

Using forum marketing is another highly sociable way to get traffic to your blog. When you are in a forum they allow you a signature that can have links in it. You want to use something that is going to peak the interest in what ever your blog is about.

In order to find forums that are relevant to your blog topic go to Google and type in "your blog topic + forum" and it will pull up a list of all of the forums in that category.

The best way to get this to work is to only comment on the posts that you have good knowledge about. If you don't post intelligent, well written replies then you will not be looked at seriously. The point of this is to show your expertise on the topic so that people will want to see what else you know. Do not spam the forums! If you don't have a good answer, then don't reply.

Article marketing is another good way to get traffic to your blog. Writing articles can be very easy to do if you are already in the forums. To write articles using the forums, find out what people are asking about the most and then either answer it for them or see what answers are already there to compose your article. Make sure that you always rewrite everything in your own words because plagiarism is a very serious charge.

The more articles you submit the more traffic will get your blog. If you want to see a major increase in traffic your blog than you should consider using an article submission site. Article submission sites are able to submit unique articles for you to thousands of directories.

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