Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why You Should Consider Power Flushing

By Tal Potishman

There are a number of reasons why you should consider flushing your central heating system before you decide to install a new boiler. Below are some of the signs to look out for that your central heating may need flushing:

You start to notice that your heating system is slow in starting up

You hear unpleasant noises coming from your boiler

You've noticed the formation of sludge

You begin to notice that your radiators need frequent bleeding

The treatment of your water will largely affect how efficiently your boiler runs. The treatment of your water is so important that it can even affect your heating system and boiler's longevity. Most people are not actually aware of this and an investigation carried out of 90 mains central heating systems showed that less than half were treated correctly and some of them hadn't had any element of chemical flushing at all.

The poor treatment of water has been further escalated by the fact that in the UK many new boilers are installed within existing heating systems where old radiators and pipework are commonplace. Furthermore, some tests were carried out which demonstrated the difference between systems that had been flushed against systems that hadn't been. The systems that had been flushed showed a 6% improvement in efficiency in the heating system in comparison to an old system.

Most people may not be aware that most central heating systems are exposed to the atmosphere allowing oxygen to enter the water. This causes sludge to build up in the pipework, which can result in a wide range of problems if left untreated.

Therefore it is important to note, that just installing a new boiler is not enough if you do not make sure that your water treatment is up to standard. In order to maximise the full efficiency of your boiler you need to ensure that you focus on your water treatment otherwise your investment will be wasted.

What are the benefits of flushing out the central heating system?

Flushing cleans the whole system, including underfloor pipework

The noise coming from your boiler will be fixed

The treatment prevents further corrosion

The drawbacks with using the flushing system

How successful the power flush is will depend on various factors. In some cases, the level of corrosion in the central heating systems will be quite extensive. In these circumstances the flushing process is unlikely to solve the problem.

Therefore it all depends on how long your system has been neglected for. If it has been for a substantial amount of time, than it is unlikely that the flushing process will work. Your radiators may also be affected by the corrosion.

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