Contrary to what some may believe, there is far more to designing compelling eBook covers than what meets the eye. In fact, if you're in the business of selling eBooks, getting a good cover designer may well prove to be the best business decision you've ever made. By doing this, you can be rest assured, your eBook will at the very least, be able to compete on a level playing field.
What Should the Main Function of My eBook Covers Be? When a visitor is casually browsing through a list of titles, your cover should knock them out cold the minute they see it. In fact, it should be so enticing, that the reader forgets to continue browsing and instead, they should click on your page. A well designed cover really can distract a potential buyer enough to ensure they don't continue browsing.
Nobody is suggesting that your eBook is lacking in quality. To the contrary, it may be the most informative eBook on the market but until such time that a browser downloads your book and reads it, they simply won't know, hence the reason why your cover design needs to sell the book. The same also applies to a free download. Unless the cover can convince the browser beyond all doubt that there is something of interest within, they simply won't download it.
How Can I Make My eBook Covers Engaging? When you are looking at promoting your eBook, remember that you should check out the composition of your cover. Where does your eye fall when you look at it, and what things stand out the most? Make sure that you consider where your title is and how easy it is to read.
Why Use an eBook Cover Designer? First and foremost, a designer gives you the leading edge over your competitors. Additionally, if you've ever browsed some eBooks yourself, you'll no doubt have realized just how uninspiring the vast majority are, judging from the ebook graphics being presented, of course. And you need to ask yourself, do you really want your ebook to be part of that collection?
When you have a cover that stands out and that will command attention from wherever it happens to be, you are already starting out ahead of the game. Your eBook designer is going to be taking the time to figure out what your book is about and how to attract the right audience to it. Put it this way; you wouldn't leave your website design to an amateur, so why would you accept anything less for something as important as your eBook?
When you want to make sure that your e-publication is going to do well, address the importance of having great eBook covers. This can go a long way towards getting you the sales you need, so don't miss out.
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