Thursday, February 5, 2009

Project Payday, Is It A Scam Or Can You Actually Make Money?

By Frank Scott

Project Payday has flooded the internet as a new opportunity for the average joe to make a few bucks from home. But does it really work, can you actually make a few hundred bucks a month as they claim?

How the Project Payday blueprint works:

To get started in Project Payday you can either sign up for one of the free trial offers or pay the $39 dollar fee (pretty cheap as far as online business go). This trial offer is the heart of the Project Payday business.

The catch with all of the trial offers is that you have to submit your credit card information and have 30 days to cancel your trial subscription or purchase. This qualifies you to start earning with Project Payday and you are still good even if you cancel your subscription (which is what you are supposes to do).

Sounds pretty easy so far and if you remember to cancel the subscription, you have no out of pocket cost as of yet, but if you forget to cancel and return your product you will be stuck with the product and the fee.

Making money with Project Payday:

Now that you're a member of Project Payday, you get access to the insiders forum, the heart of the business. the forums contain posts from other Project Payday members who will offer you a few dollars to subscribe to one of their free trials. After contacting the member, they will send you a link to their subscription site and after you fill it out the member will pay you the agreed upon price. That member will now receive a commission on your free trial subscription. Sound pretty simple, right.

After getting your feet wet, it will be your turn to post on the Project Payday forums.

After a few of these initial trial offers you will be able to make your own posts to the Project Payday forums after reviewing offers and getting your own links to a the trial offers. The host company will offer say $100 bucks for you to have 5 people fill out their trial offer. In turn, you will offer to pay each one of these five people $10 dollars to fill out the trial offer and at the end of the day, you'll make a $50 bucks, not to bad.

Now, depending on the offers that you are able to find, you may make a little more or less but at the end of the day you do stand to make a few dollars.

If you are looking for a part time job, then Project Payday is for you. As a business model, it is not stand alone and could never generate enough income to be a full time quit your job type of opportunity. You are basically getting paid by the hour and if you can't get to your computer, you won't make any money.

Project Payday has very little risk, which is only you getting billed and having to pay for some products you didn't return in time, I'm sure this happens quite often.

Click Here To see the full Project Payday Review.

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