Are you leveraging the money you spend on yourself? If not, why not? Is it because you believe it's better to be enslaved by big businesses. Not likely. Perhaps you haven't heard of enough success stories from people who have done just that.
With today's treacherously unstable economy it makes sense as a consumer to have ways to stretch our budget. Who would win and who would lose if everybody only spent their money on network marketing companies when making buying decisions. Because everything would be bought and sold by word of mouth their would be no need for commercials. So big advertising companies would lose first. The big superstores and wallmarts of the world would lose because people would rather support their friends in business if given a choice. Who would win? Us the consumers because we would no longer have to suffer through commercials and we would be leveraging our consumption wisely.
Network Marketing is the Best Method for Buying and Selling Products.
There are 2 myths being spread about the network marketing industry that I would like to to debunk right here and now. Myth 1: Only a small number of people are making any money compared to the total number of distributors. That's because there are always new members coming in who are just starting for one. Also not everyone is proactive with their business and in fact most people join and do nothing but wait for something to happen. That's their choice and that's fine.
It's really just a theory because no network marketing company has ever exceeded a global marketing reach of more then 1 percent with very few exceptions if any. Even if saturation can be reached, the product if priced appropriately will stand on it's own. Surely there will always be new people for those who want to continue making a living at promoting the product they use or at least breaking even through referrals.
As everyone knows there isn't just one multilevel marketing company, there is likely over 1 million companies to choose from. Some are good and some are bad and in the end the consumers weed them out through choice. Because of the huge array of choices in network marketing companies, the industry will likely eliminate traditional brick and morter shopping entirely. If given a choice wouldn't you rather be able to profit by referring your friends to the products you use yourself?
One of the most 'in demand' areas of network marketing is in the health and wellness industry. What a perfect industry to leverage your spending in because most good nutritional products are expensive. The health and wellness business is a baby boomers market that is exploding with consumers wanting to extend their youth.
Your Choice of Health and Nutrition companies can affect Your Health and Your Wealth.
Most network marketing companies require sponsoring and marketing in order to succeed and earn an income. There is one that I recently encountered that requires no sponsoring or marketing to succeeed. It also guarantees your income by staying in the company for long enough or you get triple your money back. There is such huge incentive for sharing the system with others that most people decide on their own to be actively sponsoring anyways. I did and only had to pay for the first month which was $55.
The reason I chose the company I did was because I wanted to try the product and the guaranteed income without sponsoring. If sponsoring or advertising is required to succeed it's alot harder because of all the competing nutritional companies out there. I couldn't find one other health and wellness company whose product and plan even compared to the one you'll find in my signature at the bottom. It starts at just $55 per month. Sponsoring isn't required but if you do you sponsor you may only have to pay the $55 once like I did.
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