Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kinds of Promotional Products You Can Use at Trade Show Displays?

By Amy Nutt

When you set up your trade show display, it is very important that you promote yourself as much as you can. It is this promotion that is going to get you the customers that you need to make your business a success. But you have got to have the right stuff to promote yourself. If you don't have the right items, then it isn't going to make a difference either way.

So what sort of low cost promotional products do you need to use at your trade show display to get people to come to your business?

- Candy - Candy is a great promotional tool. When you are trying to "get to people," there is no better way than through their stomachs. If you can provide them with a yummy treat, they are not going to forget you for it. They will always remember that you gave them that candy. You'll be able to etch a physical image of your trade show exhibit in their head.

- Ink pens - Ink pens are another great promotional item. Take women, for instance. You can give them ink pens and they will place them in their purse. Every single time they take that ink pen out to use it, they will be reminded of you and your business. Other writing utensils such as pencils and highlighters also do very well.

- Note pads - Note pads are another great promotional item that is of a low cost. You can have a lot of these note pads printed up for a very low cost. Everyone needs a piece of paper at one time or another, so you might as well provide it to them.

- Balloons - Don't forget the helium balloons because there are going to be kids at the trade show. With kids around, your balloons will be floating everywhere and the kids will be happy. This is a great way to pacify a fussy child or to help a child simply have a good time.

- Stress balls - People love stress balls because people are just stressed. They like to throw them around, squeeze around on them, and bounce them around on their desk. You can have your logo printed on this stress ball so that the individual using it will think of your business every single time they use it.

With all of this free stuff, your display booth is going to be a hot spot at the trade show. And don't' forget that you can conduct contests as well. You can give away low cost items such as balls, mirrors, and much more. You can also have that one big prize that someone can win at the end of the day. It is entirely up to you and your budget. Just keep in mind that people will come to your trade show display to win something. They don't care what it is as long as they are able to experience the high of winning something.

So go ahead and take a look at those promotional items that you can purchase for your trade show exhibit. Fortunately, there are enough items for you to be able to stick to your budget and pull in the customers the way that you need to. They love free stuff. And don't forget to have business cards on hand or brochure holders too! If your competitor is giving away stuff and you're not, it is your competitor's trade show exhibit that will get the attention that you should be getting. And if you're the one giving away the stuff, then you're going to be the one getting all of the attention. So make sure you have promotional products you can give away.

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