Friday, February 13, 2009

If You Like Twitter, You'll Love These Ways to Make it Better!

By Matt Hellstrom

Twitter is a great way to connect with your friends and colleagues. What is Twitter, you ask? It's what's called a micro-blogger, a website where you can post little message of 140 characters or less about what you're doing, and they get broadcast out to anyone that's following you. You're messages can be about anything, but if you're an internet marketer they should be a combination of business and personal ones.

For you internet marketers, obviously you're going to want some of your "tweets" to be concerning your business. For example, if you post a new Squidoo lens, tweet it. If you learn about a cool new website, let your followers know.

At the same time, if you just post business-related activities, people are going to think that's all you care about and you're going to lose them. There's a reason that web 2.0 is called "social networking". It's because you need to be "social", talk about nothing or everything, and let people know who you are. I know, many people are totally wrapped up in their business, to the exclusion of pretty much anything else (including a life), but you need to find something!

Maybe you liked Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight. Maybe you're a fan of the Yankees. Or maybe you hate the Yankees because you're a fan of the Red Sox. Maybe you've got kids, ride bikes, volunteer at a soup kitchen, etc. Let people see the real you, and they'll probably like what they see.

There are a few ways to make your twittering more effective and efficient. I'm going to give you seven ideas about what I do.

1. Find a bunch of people to follow. What you need to do is find someone that has similar interests as you and follow everyone they are following. Eventually, you're going to get to the point where you're following 2000 people, and twitter won't let you follow any more. They must have some kind of system where they limit you to 2000 unless you have more people following you, because I have seen people that are following more than 2000. Here's what will happen - if you follow enough people, many of them will follow you back. At that point, send them a friendly message, and invite them to take a look at your blog.

2. Follow people who follow you. Soon, people will follow you that you didn't follow first. If they do, follow them and send a similar message to them as above. If you're at 2000 people you're following, go in and delete a few that don't follow you. I delete ones that don't have a picture, as I don't think they're too serious about twitter. This leads to my next point.

3. Personalize your site. Add your picture. Write about yourself, and post a background image. Put your blog or website link on it. Remember, you need to be social - even if you're not!

4. Tie your twitter account in with your Facebook account. You do have a Facebook account, right? If not, shame on you! Go get one! This kills 2 birds with one stone: when you post something to twitter, it automatically updates what you are doing on Facebook.

5. Check out This is a program you download to your computer that sits on your desktop and display tweets from others without having to have your browser open. Of course, you can post your own tweets there, too. One neat thing about twhirl is it has a built-in url shortener in it. If you have a long link to post, you might now have enough space. In twhirl, you can just enter the link into a box and click "shorten" and you'll get a short link that you can use in your tweet.

6. Try twitterfeed if you're a blogger. Twitterfeed automatically tweets any new posts that you make to your blog, and if you're connected, to Facebook. It works by monitoring your RSS feed periodically for new posts, and if it sees any it sends out a tweet. Saves you time and having to remember. You can set it up for free at

7. Register your twitter username at In your profile, you can enter your twitter info, and when one of your articles gets approved it will automatically send out a tweet. This is good, because sometimes by the time it gets approved you'll forget to post it on twitter.

Well there are 7 easy ways to increase your presence on the internet by using the power of twitter and a few simple, free tools. Take advantage today, and happy tweeting!

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