Friday, June 27, 2008

A CareerView in Healthy Chocolate

By Giuseppe Celi

How many people in this World are tired in what they do day in day out with their careers. How many people in this World are comfortable at what they do day in day out.

How many people in this World that turn around and really look at their lives and keep asking themselves their must be something better at their for me, I want success, I want to live the life of a millionaire, I want to be different or feel their is more to life at what they are doing now.This is how I feel...

I keep thinking their is another universe and my mind is in it. I dream of the bigger house, the nice cloths, the hummer sitting in my parking garage, the custom motorcycle, the holidays with the kids to Disneyland, shopping in Paris with my wife. Having an opportunity where instead of bills coming to my home their are check's. This is the life I look forward to.

Dark chocolate can be good for you for a number of reasons, this is a another topic, but the main reason is that you can make your dreams come true just by taking Healthy Dark Chocolate across the World. It has opened my eyes to a new World of opportunities here and abroad.

Dark chocolate is also an excellent energy source because it releases slowly into the bloodstream and does not elevate insulin levels. As opposed to other kinds of chocolate Dark chocolate is considered healthy, and recommended for daily consumption in small amounts to maintain a healthy heart and lower cholesterol. With studies it has also shown the reduce blood pressure and weight control you can have your favorite Dark Chocolate snack with out increasing calories.

Eating Healthy Chocolate make your dreams come true, with hard work I believe it can. Their are a lot of businesses on the net that say you can make millions over night well if thats you then take it. There is no guarantee in what every online or conventional business that you will succeed.

If some one puts a figure on their web page, say one dollar for all the knowledge and personal training from the best of the best of their proven business with no guarantee of making any money. To someone offering Earn a million dollars with in the next few months guarantee with no training just a system which one will you take. It's amazing most of the people like quick rich schemes and take the second option. Because they feel this will fit right into their comfort zone and make loads of money. Reality will set in sooner that later.

Are you surprised that you have read this whole article, you getting out of your comfort zone. Is it money or knowledge you are looking for. I can only give knowledge on Healthy Chocolate and how to make your dreams come true with time and hard work. I'm not going to lie but if it's passion you have and a desire to do something different then go for it.

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