A search engine has lots if what are called "spiders" or "crawlers" which wander the internet probing websites for their contents. When a site is submitted, spiders are sent there to examine the content. This information is sent to central point where it is indexed. If your site is linked to others, the spiders will do the same for these sites too. Every time your page is updated, it will be re-indexed the next time a spider hits your page again - which they will do periodically.
Search engines have another very important function; they decide the importance of any given site, as well as the sites to which it is linked. Each search engine has its own criteria for determining this ranking.
When you perform a search using Google or some other search engine, what happens is this - the search engine will give you results which are not actually real time results, but rather the results of its own rankings. Since each engine uses different criteria to rank pages, a search for "birdhouses" on Google will yield a different set of results than will the same search on Yahoo. The results are dependent on the engine's ranking system.
So what does this mean for you as a web based marketer? Search engines are vital to the success of your website. For instance, when someone searches a topic, MyWirelessNews, for one, they usually only look at the first page of results. Perhaps they will look at the second - but for each page after the first that your site shows up on, the odds of anyone going to your site drop dramatically.
Understanding keywords and how search engines use them is very important for your business. Finding keywords relevant to your business which are searched for frequently yet have little competition for them is what you want to find - and using these keywords well can mean big profits for your business.
Knowing how search engines work and how to use keywords properly can make a big difference for your website and your business. Using keywords the right way can get you onto the first page of search results - the top of the heap!
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