You get on your computer and go looking for the next, best business opportunity-- the one that will blast the others out of the water. You give out your email, name, and phone number more than a few times, and before you know it, your phone is ringing and your mailbox is filling up. You see even more opportunities than you thought possible. A few of them look intriguing, so you give out your information a few more times. Then, one fine day, you check your mailbox, and are sure you are getting email from everyone on the planet. Finally, out of desperation if nothing else, you choose one, give them your money, put your name on the replicated company website, and wait impatiently for the money to pour in. And wait. And wait some more. Finally, to combat the frustration and boredom of no website visits, you start looking all over again. Sound familiar?
Surfing the net continually for your next business before you are on up and going on your first (10th?) one, should tell you that you did not choose the right business to begin with. If you aren't satisfied with the company, the pay plan, the training, or the products, it's time to move on. The next time, make sure you are choosing correctly. Don't decide which business to join before you do all of your homework. If you don't have a firm set of guidelines that your opportunity has to meet, you will be sucked in by the hype of some business more than by how the opportunity fits you and your situation.
For help in determining your personal guidelines, read my four articles entitled "Evaluating an Online Business-- Things You Should Know..." (You can find the video version on several video sites like YouTube.) It will provide you with some guidelines for coming up with your own checklist of what you want in a business, and how to stick with what you come up with. If you manage to start with the best business for you, the time you now spend surfing the net for another business will be more productively spent building the business you have. Give it your full attention once you start. Make yourself stick with it. If you don't actually work at it, you won't be successful, and you won't work it unless you have chosen well.
Take the time to decide what you want a business to provide you with. You will find yourself far less likely to be swayed by what a business does, and way more likely to choose a business that fits you.
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