Many newbies choose Multilevel marketing as their first taste of home based business. The reason for this is that there is a very small start up cost. The only problem with this type of business is that 95% of the people who succeed in the MLM business are veterans of MLM who have built a large organization of people through many years.
The ordinary individual with little or no experience has little chance of hitting it big. They end up buying products they don't need or use to meet some type of quota. So the no investment opportunity ends up costing them in the long run. These companies will show you a matrix that explains how you can have thousands of people in your downline if you just get X amount of People to get X amount of people.
People new to MLM are trained to chase around their family and friends, and do whatever they can to sign them up first. I think this is taught because the higher ups know these are the only people the newbies have a shot with. They run through their family and friends and then get fustrated when most say no, and then give up. They figure if Uncle Bob and Aunt Betty won't buy in what are my chances?
Don't worry MLM is not the only game in town. Direct sales is the opportunity you need to take a close look at if you are serious about making real money from home. It takes a long time and a lot of sign ups to even make a little money in MLM, while you can be in profit mode in direct sales with just 1 or 2 sales.
The appeal of direct sales is that you are making 1000's of just your first couple of sales, and although it comes with a larger start up (normally $500-$3500) your income potential is endless, and you are in profit mode quickly.
If you are serious about a business you should expect there to be a cost. With direct sales you get a six figure income potential with a fraction of the investment a typical business. What if you wanted to open up a deli or tanning salon or whatever, it costs big money with a 80% failure rate for small business.
So why invest crazy money on a business that won't see a profit for years or maybe ever!! And even if it does, will it pay you a six figure salary like you can easily earn doing direct sales? What do you have to lose maybe a couple of thousand dollars if you don't have succees. (anyone will have success in this business if they persist no doubt about it)
The best plan of action is to find an opportunity that has a great training system in place. This is key! Find the opportunity that offers the most training for the money. They all will offer training but some has a greater value than other. Find an opportunity that might be able to plug you into seminars and summits at no cost. That right there is worth the investment and then some.
Also find a genuine person to sponsor you, one that will be accessible to help you learn the ropes. So take a good look around, surf the net, and find the right fit. I always make myself available to those who might need a little one on one tutoring on the subject.
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