Many newbies choose Multilevel marketing as their first taste of home based business. The reason for this is that there is a very small start up cost. The only problem with this type of business is that 95% of the people who succeed in the MLM business are veterans of MLM who have built a large organization of people through many years.
The main problem with MLM is that a few people at the top make all the money while everybody else just fills their pockets making manditory purchases to meet monthly quotas. True there is no big upfront costs, but in the long run you probably spend more than you think.
It sounds quite simple but in reality the only people the newbie ends up signing up are the couple of family members who want to shut them up. It's a business that preaches chasing friends and family. The so called warm market that tend to turn a cold shoulder when approached. Then months down the road they ask you "how you doing in that MLM thing?" and by that time the newbie has given up.
Don't worry MLM is not the only game in town. Direct sales is the opportunity you need to take a close look at if you are serious about making real money from home. It takes a long time and a lot of sign ups to even make a little money in MLM, while you can be in profit mode in direct sales with just 1 or 2 sales.
Direct sales pay's you in 100's and 1000's as opposed to MLM which pays you in dollars and cents. Why put in more effort to make less money. That makes no sense and thats why MLM is doomed. It's just comon sense.
Yes direct sales has a cost but what business doesn't. No matter what business venture you pursue it will cost money. If it is a brick and mortar business it will cost you tens of thousand of dollars. Go buy a card store or bagel shop or start something from scratch. What do you think that will cost you? I'll tell you a lot of time, money and headaches. I know I've been in business for over 20 years until I found direct sales that is. And none of those businesses will compensate you like direct sales can.
I wish I gave this lesson to myself 20 years ago. I did end up making a success in a few businesses but not without a lot of bumps and bruises. I would have been much better off in a direct sales business because I would have risked a lot less while making a lot more. This business model wasn't around 20 years ago but it is now and thats exactly where I am.
When researching an opportunity look for training, training, training. Product matters to a degree but what you are truly selling is a business opportunity to newbies who need training. That is why training is the key to the program. This is also a way to get an instant return on your investment.
Now what you need to do is search out your right fit, and also look at the person who is looking to sponsor you. Make sure you feel comfortable with them and have confidence they will be there for you when you need them. If you have any questions I am always avaiable.
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