Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I Hate Writing Articles - Isn't There An Easier Way?

By Ginger Coleen

Building a business online means you need to provide fresh content for your site daily. Content is still King and it really is necessary. Fresh content articles pull potential customers to your website by providing new information regularly.

So what are your options if you simply hate to write?

Well, for starters if you hate writing articles and you can't afford to hire someone reputable to write for you, you can get free articles. The first place to look is in the public domain. You won't have problems with copyright infringement if your material is available in the public domain.

Public domain articles have expired copyrights. In other words, when a work is copyrighted, that copyright has an expiration date. Copyrights can be extended but when the author dies, sometimes they don't get extended and actually expire. When that happens, they end up in the public domain. So, these are writings that were once published. And, in that light, the writing should be very good.

Because public domain articles are available to anyone, your competition may also be using them. This can be verified easily with a search engine. Make sure the articles you choose pertain to your website topic. You'll likely need to edit them a bit in order to place your keywords in the right places.

Another way to get free articles is to allow other sites which have similar content to submit articles to your site. Most bloggers today do utility posting which is exactly this. They use content from other blogs and give the blog a trackback (link).

Now, some people might think WAIT A MINUTE - I don't want to put links to other sites on my site! But, if that's what you're thinking, you're a bit behind the times, I'm afraid. If you've ever heard the term Web 2.0 that's really what it's all about. Even Google knows this and is now serving up pages with the most popularity based on the number of links to and from a site and, of course, a lot of other things too. But social populariaty is REALLY important!!!

So, begin to share as many links as you can and don't think you need to keep all those links to yourself.

And, if you're wondering where all this is going, well here's the pot of gold and the real reason why I decided to write this article in the first place. Because of Web 2.0, there are now many article services gaining popularity that cater to this need. The one I belong to not only sends my "unique" articles to about 600 sites upon submission, but I also receive many unique articles each day as a subscriber. And, you can choose to only receive articles if you don't want to write them.

It's not expensive and well worth the small monthly fee for the number of links I'm seeing in Google on a daily basis. It's absolutely the greatest method Im aware of to help share links and obtain unique content regularly. It's very easy to post to all of my blog sites now. I choose how many articles to receive each day as well as the categories, and, I choose whether or not to put them on my blog. After all, not everyone can write good content! Cruddy writing gets deleted.

And, one more thing I would also like to point out. There are many sites on the Internet that offer Private Label Rights Articles that can published on your site. Some of them are free or have free starter memberships. You can also take credit for writing these articles yourself. If you like, you can rewrite them too. That's how I wrote this article. I'm pretty good at writing, but the ideas don't always come quickly. When I start with a PLR article, the ideas flow easier and I don't have to create all of the original content.

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