All vending machines have the same general concept behind them though. Offering goods that people will have a use for. Generally the items found in them aren't very expensive at all. They are open around the clock which means even when the store is closed you can get what you need. It is more convenient then waiting in line just to grab a soda or other item as well. I have found some unique items in vending machines such as socks at the local bowling alley.
Such items in vending machines don't appear just by chance though. Instead it is the direct result of someone carefully calculating what needs have to be met. They are able to choose vending machines that work well in particular locations. This is decided after they have evaluated the area and decided a good course of action. They know they won't be making money if they don't sell what is in them.
For example you will find that nightclubs and other similar atmospheres have different items in their vending machines than elsewhere. They may offer aspirin for headaches, cigarettes, and various types of alcoholic drinks. I have even seen nightclubs that offer slip on shoes for those who have aching feet but aren't ready to call it a night yet.
Chances are you have purchased a newspaper from a vending machine as well. It amazes me that they don't dispense one by one. Instead the latch unlocks and you can have access to all of them inside. Of course very few people would have a reason to take additional newspapers so it generally isn't an issue.
The last time I was at the airport I also noticed you can buy fresh flowers from a vending machine. That is a perfect gift you can get to greet someone you are picking up at the airport. You can also buy them when you get off the plane to take to the person you are meeting. Such convenience is something that consumers love to have right at their fingertips.
If you haven't traveled to other countries you may be curious about vending machines there as well. Just about every country around does offer them but some more than others. One country that has an abundance of them is Japan, with about 1 for every 20 people. There are all types of items in them including books and even live plants.
If all of the vending machines out there disappeared we would likely be upset. There is no doubt something you need wouldn't be readily available without them. Even if you could get it from another location, we are so spoiled by the many vending machines out there that we wouldn't be happy about it at all.
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