Don't let your frustration get the best of you. If you take a look at your past experiences, skill sets, successes and failures, and expertise in a certain area, you will find an ocean of fresh ideas around you. The reality is that what is ordinary to you may be original and inspiring to someone else. Your every experience is bound to serve you with many new ideas and words.
In order to generate ideas from you own life, you can follow these useful tips for this:
Select a Subject: Analyze and choose a general subject from your daily routine. This subject may vary from cooking a meal to driving a car. This will help you to improve your writing ideas, as the topic of the article will come directly from your everyday life.
Create a List: Compile a list of various useful items that are the part of your subject. For instance, if you are planning to write on your first driving experience, you may include the various aspects like your excitement, nervousness, the vehicle, road, traffic, signals, road signs and so on.
Focus on the Crucial Aspect: Bring your focus on the most crucial item of the above made list. Try to write a detailed description for that particular item. Keep in mind to make the description small but informative at the same time. This may include the bodily aspects, emotional expressions that strike your mind. Lets take an example. If you want to concentrate on the road signs, you may include the significance of each sign and the place where it is found.
Make and Arrange Categories: You can make categories for your different descriptive reports. For instance, you can put together the description of the vehicle in one section and the description of the traffic in other part.
Then, depending on the length of your article, arrange the categories according to their importance.
If the article is longer (500-1000 words), then you should make the different categories appear in a systematic way in your article.
The art of stuffing your article with fresh new ideas will be tamed with practice and it will probably not be achieved overnight. With practice and by following the above guidelines, you will see that fresh words are taking birth in your mind. This will affect your writing speed in a positive way. Finally, the day will come when you won't have to search endlessly for ideas. They will emerge quite naturally.
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