Thursday, July 31, 2008

Stay-At-Home Moms In Charge Of Their Future

By Elizabeth Clark

stay-at-home moms must learn to think outside the box. Low income mothers have a greater disadvantage. You see, middle income moms, at least, have something to start with.

Is usually not the mothers fault if she has to apply for government assistance. It's very depressing for mom to struggle from day to day to improving her circumstances.

Many low income moms have come from dysfunctional and abusive family situations. These circumstances have led to unplanned pregnancies.

We must understand that out of every 3rd pregnancy 1 is unwanted or unplanned. And the more dysfunctional the family the greater the problems are.

All of a sudden this mother to be is under severe pressure to provide for her new child. So what is mom to do? Having very little education and limited resources. Mom has little or no help.

With unpaid bills, and rising childcare costs, mom is forced to work many hours for very little pay. And to add to this, mom now needs reliable transportation. This is added stress that also affects how mom raises her child.

Depressed and emotionally drained most mothers can't give quality attention to their children. This can greatly affect the behavior of her child. Lack of confidence and the desire to excel in school can be the result.

Not receiving the attention from mom that her child craves; can cause negative behavior and a bad attitude towards other children.

Mom wants to focus her energy and time on her child. But is usually wore out by night time do too long work hours.

The sad part is, mothers who work a regular job heard about 15 to 20% LESS than single women. The stressful life of a working mom contributes to poor eating habits.

And for the middle income mother taxes take a even bigger chunk of moms income. Even worse, the mom whose income is above the "earned income tax" level receives no assistance.

The middle income mom has to work even harder with no assistance or support. This is very stressful for mom and her health. Does mom receive any enjoyment?

Well let's add up mom's typical day. Mom has sore feet from standing all day. Stressed to her limit because her boss is never satisfied. Forced to endure gossip from her coworkers all day long. Then has to deal with rush hour traffic after work.

Mom being exhausted when she gets to daycare to pick up her energetic child; wanting her undivided attention. Yet mom exhausted, trying to hide her stressful workday receives phone calls from family and friends needing assistance.

The human body and mind cannot endure this kind of pressure on a continual basis. So what is the answer? Working from home with affiliate marketing. There are no startup cost.

Your public library supplies all the tools necessary to run your affiliate home business. There are online e-books just waiting to walk you through the entire affiliate marketing process. And most important are the tax savings.

For more information, do a Google or Yahoo online search for affiliate marketing. There are thousands of affiliate products you can sale. Make a sacrifice and do the research.

Locate someone online who is willing to work with you. Someone you will feel comfortable with. Your lunch break would be a opportune time to do this.

The sacrifice of time and effort will truly outweigh the stress of working for your boss. Do it for your child, do it for yourself. Take action like Nike, just do it.

The freedom and peace of mind that working from home provides, can only be understood by experiencing the benefits. Smelling a chocolate brownie is not like tasting it.

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