It's amazing that even with a shite page, you get traffic. If you blast them with banners and pop ups, you still get traffic. If your navigation is poor, well they just keep on coming. If you market a high price bracket product, nothings stopping them. It doesn't matter even if your site selection is not high quality they will keep on coming because of the power of your domain name. It goes without saying that I under no circumstances recommend this style of site content.
Type-in traffic which is when people type the URL into the search box is actually responsible for about half of internet traffic and is commonly known as direct navigation. If we just expand this a little bit though to see real results, about 30% of the total are just for Yahoo, MSN and Google. It really is incredible and I found out about all of these facts and other online user habits in a seminar last month and these user tips really will help you make lots of money.
Get this - 1) Searches done in the address bar add up to a staggering 31% of every single search. 2) A moderate 28% of address look ups are carried out in the search bar. People just have no idea on how to use the dam internet, but that allows us Domainers to reap the benefits. Did you know why " heads the searched terms list? I wonder why.
The visitor value of a site like would reach around 125,000 direct visits per month so what would they have to do with such domain name power to reach 6 figure net monthly profits? Well they would only need to put in place a well run affiliate program on one side and then pay about a dollar for "cell phones" as a keyword. That it not a lot of effort to turn a domain name into a million bucks a month.
And if you own a store that actually sells cell phones? Well lordy lord, you just hit the holy grail because may be able to generate $2 - $3 million dollars per year in increased sales, especially because of the massive credibility the domain gives you. All of which make a seven figure domain. The bottom line is that domains are more than simply a place to stick your site or a name you can resell for a profit. Investment-grade keyword domains are the very basis for an e commerce powerhouse that can pay you dividends and provide income until you sell the site.
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