Thursday, July 31, 2008

Work From Home Moms Taking Charge

By Elizabeth Clark

It's time for stay-at-home moms to think outside the bun. You see, middle income mothers at least have something to start with. But low income moms have a disadvantage far greater.

We must understand that it's not always the mom's fault for needing government assistance. And struggling from day to day to overcome her depressing situation.

Dysfunctional and abusive family situations have attributed to unwanted pregnancies in low income families.

Out of more than 2 pregnancies, 1 is unplanned or unwanted. These problems are more severe in higher dysfunctional families.

So what is mom to do? All of a sudden mom is under tremendous pressure to provide for her child. With lack of education or skill. All of a sudden mom's help and handouts have run dry.

Mom is forced to work many hours for very little pay. With child care costs, unpaid bills, and the need for quality transportation. Mom's stress level affects her innocent child.

Mom becomes emotionally drained and depressed and unable to give her child quality attention. This can affect her child's behavior. A child needs confidence to excel in school.

When a child craves his/her mother's attention and can't receive this attention, it can cause negative effects on behavior.

Mom wants to focus her energy and time on her child. But is usually wore out by night time do too long work hours.

The sad part is, mothers who work a regular job heard about 15 to 20% LESS than single women. The stressful life of a working mom contributes to poor eating habits.

And for the middle income mother taxes take a even bigger chunk of moms income. Even worse, the mom whose income is above the "earned income tax" level receives no assistance.

This forces the middle income mom to work even harder increasing her stress level. Working harder with no assistance is harmful to mom's health. So how can mom enjoy her work?

Well let's add up mom's typical day. Mom has sore feet from standing all day. Stressed to her limit because her boss is never satisfied. Forced to endure gossip from her coworkers all day long. Then has to deal with rush hour traffic after work.

Mom picks up a energetic child wanting her undivided attention. Yet mom is exhausted trying to hide her true pain. Her cell phone ringing, with extra demands from family and friends.

The human body and mind cannot endure this kind of pressure on a continual basis. So what is the answer? Working from home with affiliate marketing. There are no startup cost.

Your public library supplies all the tools necessary to run your affiliate home business. There are online e-books just waiting to walk you through the entire affiliate marketing process. And most important are the tax savings.

Do a google or yahoo search for affiliate marketing. Make a sacrifice and do some research on the products you'd like to sale.

Ask questions, do a little reading about the thousands of affiliate products you could sale. Work with someone you feel comfortable with. You could use your lunch break to do this research.

The sacrifice of time and effort will truly outweigh the stress of working for your boss. Do it for your child, do it for yourself. Take action like Nike, just do it.

The freedom and peace of mind experienced by working from home, can never be truly explained. If you were to smell oven baked brownies, could you explain the taste? You will never know the joy of working from home until you taste it.

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