Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Your Travel Business- Scam or Legit?

By David Lengacher

Many people wish that they could have the ideal, and own a piece of their own business while working from the comfort of their own homes. Nowadays there are hundreds of different ways in which you are able to make this dream a reality. Many online companies are now offering a chance for people to buy their programs and their techniques to start selling from their own home and managing their own business in a personal and unique way.

TB is a brilliant opportunity for you to transform yourself into an entrepreneur and business person in your own right. You can personalize the business within the guidelines to suit your own style and needs. This is a large, publicly traded multi-level online travel company and you basically will become a marketing representative and also make money through the action of selling on more tiers of the business. Reselling the opportunity is actually the more profitable side of the business as the selling of travel tickets and accommodation is an extremely competitive area and often difficult to break into.

The seven millions dollar travel industry is so complex and intricate that you will find it difficult to sell to people outside your inner circle of acquaintances without spending lots on advertising. However, there is a large profit to be made by selling on the name and the opportunity to others and then receiving a commission from new signups.

The real profit from Your Travel Business is the commission you will receive from attracting and signing up new recruits. This tier system allows you to use your marketing skills in order to increase financial gains from on-selling the company offer to others who are looking to own their own home business.

There is a lot of suspicion surrounding this type of organization and YTB itself has been under scrutiny many times. They are a legitimate business and with publicly open financial documents, you are able to see all the records for the past years whenever you like.

This is where YTB falls a bit short as, even though the start up cost is quite low, you will have to pay monthly in order to keep your access going to the system and also the profit margin is fairly low. You will need to put in a lot of work in order for there to be any success with this business. There are many other business opportunities that require less effort on your part, though of course still some, and that are less competitive and have higher chances for increased profits. You can find a lot of opportunities through internet searches and related websites.

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