If you want to join Wealthy Marketer, first you need to sign up and pay $1,497 as a one time only up-front fee. You do not need to pay any monthly fees. After you pay, you need to look for three people and convince them to join Wealthy Marketer. These three people will become your first level. After you get your first sale, you will earn $900. You will start to earn some profit if you have already made your second sale. If we count your expenditure and earning up to the second sale, you will get about $303.
Wealthy Marketer offers a good compensation program. Basically, Wealthy Marketer is a three-tier program so that you will get paid if your enrollee makes a sale. You will get $200 when your enrollee makes a sale. Even if your enrollee's enrollee makes a sale, you still get $100. Just imagine if you have a lot of people become your enrollee and each of your enrollees has their own enrollees, you will get very big potential compensation. For example, you have three people as your team, and each of them have enrolled another three people as their own team. Imagine that your enrollee's enrollees have their own teams. You will potentially get about $7200. The amount will increase if you have more people to sign up as your down line.
However, no matter how much you earn, Wealthy Marketer will always cut some of your earnings. They will get $200 for every sale their personally enrolled team members make. They will also get $100 for every $200 you make. In other words, you pay them every time you get your sale.
However, you will not find this a problem if you follow the Wealthy Marketer-like program that offers a matching override commission. The compensation program of matching override commission will not cut off your earnings. In other words, you do not need to pass up your sale. You can keep every single cent. You also will always receive matching bonus override payments from your down line forever as long as they continue to enroll other people. If you study this system closely, you will find that matching override commission system will be more beneficial.
Home based businesses are very prospective. Now you just have to find out which is the right one for you.
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